Geeze, I hope you're not going to wait until December to do that! They will start calling you Christmas! :banghead:
Yes I'm a unicorn lol!! Myself, and one for sure, possibly two single ladies will be there August 8-22!!
Hey everyone, be cautious. This guy has no pictures of himself. He could be living in his elderly mothers basement.... I read that he says he is booked but he can claim to be superman also................ Post some pictures!
I apologize, I was away for work during the week. I've uploaded a couple. Hope that helps. Only 2 more weeks! can't wait!
If you're a single guy asking about going to Temptation, you'll hear A LOT about how you need to be respectful. What a revelation! You could interpret this to mean that if you're married, you can be a disrespectful drunk and hit on any woman you choose. And if you're a single male, you CAN'T act like you're married. My view is that everyone no matter their marital status should be respectful. Of everyone. All the time. Every time. Right McFly? However, I must admit I wonder why a single guy would want to go to Temptation when it is populated by married couples and any single woman there is looking to hook up with married couples. Especially with couples where the male half is bald, out of shape, and over 50. That's my hallucination and I'm sticking to it.
I agree, Respectful people are going to be respectful wether they are single or married, gay or straight etc. I used to argue on this topic for years until I realized its like beating a dead horse, then getting drunk and beating it again lol Ive been going to Temptations for over a decade as a single guy, I act the same way down there as I do at my local bar, I have never once had any issues with couples or anyone for that matter. Ive seen married guys make an ass of themselves and be disrespectful , Ive seen groups of single guys and individuals making asses of themselves as well. I hate when married couples post on here to scare singles away, I hate when perverted single guys act like typing hormones on here too. there is no clear cut answers, just go on vacation and be yourself, if you get in bar fights and thrown out of bars in the towns you live in, odds are you wont fit in with the crowds at Temptations..and no matter how many singles may come together, theres always going to be groups to police themselves and they usually do a better job then security lol
My personal checklist and how I landed on Temptation years ago... -in Cancun (check) -adults only (check) -has beach (check) -has a reputation for a fun party atmosphere (check) -decent food (check) -virtually unlimited booze (check) -allows singles (check) In reality single women or the chance of 'hooking up' really aren't that high on the list for me. If it were that high I'd probably be paying for nights with hookers instead lol. I do grant that there are more per capita badly behaved single guys than the married variety, after all singles don't have a wife to keep us in check. but really we're not that bad, I promise!
Point is, (mine anyway) if you have to ask, just stay home. What do guys who ask this question think they're going to be told? We don't mind hanging out with single guys but will skip those who need to be reminded they need to be respectful of others.
I get that, but on the other hand pretend you are a first time traveller and you stumble on this forum. You'll see a site that is very much skewed towards couples, just in terms of demographics. Then if you also look at places like tripadvisor you'll see terms like swingers hotel etc. It does make it a bit intimidating, as a first timer you'll be wondering if you are going to wander into a Desire like atmopshere. This obviously wouldn't be conducive to a fun trip for a single guy, because the reality is that the place is a bit different than that. It takes the concept of the spring break party vacation but modifies it for more mature people, with a side of extra sexuality. I'd rather people (not just guys) ask what to expect and what the vibe is going to be before they book than not. For some they'll realize that the hotel isn't a 'running buffet' to steal the term and move along, and for others they'll realize that TTR is right up their alley.