We have sat in others chairs next to friends to chat, but never would touch another's persons stuff. Seems like a good way to start a fight, especially after a day of drinking. We actually saw this our first year between two women, end of the day accusing each other almost broke out into a full on fist fight over a towel and a bag...
kinda sad when you think about it, who'd want to get into a fight over a chair...at temptations, to much fun to be had rather than fighting with someone. I figure you snooze you loose, but could never imagine taking someone's stuff off a chair either. We've been lucky and usually with a really great group that we can leave our stuff under their chairs.
We too put our stuff next to or under the chairs. But when you know half the pool it is hard not to find a place to put your stuff.
The only problem with moving people's stuff is if they didn't have enough common sense to move their stuff somewhere instead of using up a chair all day , then they are probably stupid enough to argue about it. I'm not there to argue. There to party The resorts aren't that big, people can see who is doing that and other things. We just choose to avoid stupid people at all times. If we bring people to resort and they don't know any better , we tell them to put there stuff somewhere else This thread is kind of sad your right , for the lack of common sense some people have nowadays Or maybe it's a sense of entitlement Either way it's never anything we would do.
There are self important dicks no matter where you go.. However the atmosphere on a whole at Temptations is to be there for a good time not a long time.. let's look after each other.