This topic seems to always get the ire of some - we are very much customary, in such we like to sit in the same general area every visit. So I draw the short straw and will get up at whatever time is needed to save a couple seats in our area. If that bothers someone, get up earlier.
I certainly don't fault anyone for getting up early enough to get a chair, in fact, we never use the chairs. All we want is a place to put our crap. We usually just ask someone if we can put it under their chair. Never a problem.
They should have an area where you can store items or have lockers of some sort. Would be nice for late comers to the pool or those who really don't need chairs.
I hate to say it, but they're definitely reaching for a younger crowd, which for sure is not our demographic! Just look at the décor. But I get it from a marketing concept. It's still the best damn party in Mexico though. As long as we're never felt to be out of place, we'll come back. We've been going so long (since it was called Blue Bay) and been to enough other resorts there to see that some obviously try to copy TTR with activities and attempted vibe. They all still fall short IMHO.
If I remember correctly, there were little cubbies right where the playmakers do their show... they were really only big enough for a pair of flip flops and a small towel. I feel like lockers would look tacky, but as one of the late risers, I would like somewhere to put my stuff. Hopefully that won't be the case next time though. We learned our lesson Haha.