Sexual behavior?

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by lovinlifeafter40, May 10, 2018.

  1. marshe

    marshe The Original Hottie and Hellraiser Registered Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    when not on vacation, home based 25 mns from Toron
    +1,772 / 4
    Right Spot On!
    It is not Hedo or Desire.
    Not even close.
    And PDA is pretty much non-existent nowadays.
    Has been rapidly waning since Chino was let go.

    The fallacies perpetuated by newbies or recent converts is very amusing.
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  2. funcpl27

    funcpl27 Addict Registered Member

    Nov 13, 2010
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    Atlanta and Jacksonville
    +917 / 16 fairness. A newbie COULD be confused by reading some of these boards.;);)

    but like everyone says it is not a lifestyle place. we love the place but if anything it is far far more tame than we would choose. It is a sexy uninhibited 'spring break' for mostly married adults. And just like at spring break if you're looking to hook up it certainly isn't out of the question that you could find it...but the vast majority of people are only playing with what they brought.
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  3. ChurchMissy

    ChurchMissy Enthusiast Registered Member

    Aug 24, 2016
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  4. Mark and Staci

    Mark and Staci I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Oct 7, 2012
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    I dont know how it became a "perceived" lifestyle resort, but it has, at least among newer TTR guest.

    During our April trip, we had several TTR first time couples ask... "how long have you two been in the lifestyle?" We answered..."We arent LS". The husband looked very perplexed at us and said..."Really?" The other couple asked, "so why do y'all come here if you arent in the LS?" Thats when we had the perplexed look. We said..."So we BOTH can check out the hot women!!" LOL We figured thats the only reason they were there since they didnt talk to us after finding out we werent LS. Not the first time that's happened either.

    There seems to be a more and more notion with "newbies" that TTR is a LS resort, and there seems to be a push from the younger LS crowd to make it that way.

    We have made 9 trips to TTR, and this April we ran into way more LS people than we have in the previous 8. Also seemed that the average age has dropped considerably.

    It isnt a problem for us, since we have many LS friends, younger and older, and have done some "swaying" at LS parties, but thats not why we go to TTR. We go to TTR for the awesome "sexually charged " atmosphere, and party people. Id hate for it to change too much either way.

    The vibe and demographics are definitely changing at TTR.

    I think that was the intention with the remodel.
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  5. AndrewnAshley

    AndrewnAshley Regular Registered Member

    Aug 15, 2017
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    Its funny that you mention that, given the new rules, extra security and scrutiny on more "risque" behavior that use to be normal accepted behavior. I would think that the resort was trying to get away from being classified as a lifestyle resort. It was never able to shed that image before when it was more lenient with what guest did, I mean they close the hot tub early because they know what use to happen in the sports pool at night. I do get where people might get the idea from though, the remodel focus and the advertising on the website could easily give the idea that this is very much a lifestyle focused resort as it hits all the key buzzwords and images. However their response to all aspects of sexuality that at one point was common place seems to fly in the face of what they are presenting. I would guess many of those new people who come with the expectation that its a straight LS resort will feel mislead.

    TTR use to be all about the party, now they seem to push the party to back burner for the sake of pushing the sexual aspect that was merely a result of the party--not the point. That is where I think, if you've never been, you would think the point of the place is swinging. They clearly didn't think through many aspects of this remodel and refocus, as its a bunch of contrary ideas attempting to co-exist.
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  6. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    I think people are tying things together that don’t necessarily directly correlate.


    Are there more rules on sexual behavior? Yes. Rules increased and enforcement increased each trip for us to the new TTR from August to November to April.

    Does the age demographic seem to be decreasing when comparing the new TTR to the old TTR? Yes. There had definitely been a younger crowd but this isn’t a drastic thing. I mean with so many rooms it still is all ages work at ttr and mingle together fantastically at ttr. Age isn’t a thing to worry about.

    Does the ls %’s seem to be increasing? Yes. I used to generalize (I say generalize because obviously each week is different and these numbers can fluctuate by time of year and whether there are partial takeovers by ls groups. Note there are not full take overs at ttr) that ttr is 1/3rd lifestyle, 1/3 curious about the ls (the swayer group who takes the approach of hey if something happens around the party that feels right then so be it) and 1/3 just there to party. Based on our 3 trips to the new ttr my new generalization would be more like 1/2 ls, 1/4 swayer and 1/4 there for the party.

    Is ttr a lifestyle resort? Well that really depends on how you define lifestyle resort. I don’t think of ttr as a lifestyle resort. As the primary focus is on having fun. Not on hooking up and creating an environment for people to meet others to hook up. Hence the rules, no open play, etc. Desire I would describe as a lifestyle resort. At ttr people are there for fun but sure the ls stuff can happen. At Desire there is much more ls focus but sure there are people there just for fun/nudism/chill not to hook up. Have to generalize to some extent in both cases. And ttr is not a ls resort in my opinion as they are not openly facilitating ls activities.
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  7. marshe

    marshe The Original Hottie and Hellraiser Registered Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    when not on vacation, home based 25 mns from Toron
    +1,772 / 4
    You have articulated exactly, what I have been (failing poorly), trying to convey much more concisely.
    Agree with everything you wrote.
  8. PardonTheFun

    PardonTheFun Regular Registered Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    Shreveport, LA (USA)
    +696 / 0
    I agree, Kyle. Certainly there is no escaping that there is a percentage that go to TTR as a swap spot, and while the resort wants the business that clientele brings in I have never once seen a party or event put on by TTR designed solely or specifically to exclude any guest if there are not LS friendly.

    I've seen private groups do it, but not the resort.
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    Last edited: May 20, 2018
  9. rogren90

    rogren90 Regular Registered Member

    Mar 27, 2012
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    I think it may be the crowd . We have seen crazy stuff on a normal day there and limited security. They were there but didn’t stop anything.
  10. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Houston, TX
    +4,621 / 14
    Kyle nailed it as to the comparison between the typical (in our limited experience of four (4) such clubs) LS clubs vs. TTR vs. DRM.

    I can attest that Stacia & I did some quite less than subtle … dare I say overt... bent over the bar play at DRM's disco, which made my day, and seemed to please the four couples getting drinks and watching. Can't do that anywhere else, even Pearl, b/c it's not set up right.

    But, the hot tubs at both Pear and DRM it's fair game. At TTR, there IS that big sign that says you'll be out if they catch you (paraphrased).
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