Severe storms batter northwestern Europe, 11 dead

Discussion in 'Free For All' started by DConCT, Jan 18, 2007.

  1. jaynebod

    jaynebod Guest

    +0 / 0
    Here in Bradford West Yorkshire it has been awfull today
    70mph winds torrential rain Motorways closed high sided trucks blown over wheelie bins (plastic trash bins) blown in the roads trees blown down
    and floods all over never seen anything like it But yet it's not cold
  2. jenfleur

    jenfleur Guest

    +0 / 0
    It's like Mary Poppins but in a bad way!!

    I will inform Nans that they are grounded, heh :)
  3. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    +7,271 / 14
    Sounds nasty, glad I'm not there at the moment. Stay safe everyone, I dont know what it is about the British but there is always this "must get to work at all costs mentality" - do yourself a favour, phone in a sickie and watch Trisha instead!

    Also, imagine the wind speed doubling and the amount of rain being three times as much and you'll have some idea what it was like during Wilma.
  4. Ian

    Ian Guest

    +0 / 0
  5. YamYamMan

    YamYamMan Guest

    +0 / 0
    It was terrible here lost quite a few roof tiles and 4 fence panels... Good job my mate works for Jewson Builders Merchants :wink:

    The MD of Birmingham International Airport was one the folks who sadly lost there lives here in UK

    We've had a really very mild snap of weather here for the time of year, but according to reports this stormy weather spells the end of the mild weather and a cold snap is on the way with possible snow to come....

    Freaky weather indeed :shock:
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