Must be some sort of New York thing. Total wine will not ship to NY. I called one of their stores in Jersey and they said it's on the shelves. I happen to be playing soccer in Jersey on Sunday.....I loved it when a plan comes together.
I personally have not had much of it. Always enjoy the antics of it but as a single guy I always respect the "only when invited" protocol. :ernaehrung024:
I know there's one I don't like but can't remember if it's the chocolate or the raspberry. I'm usually pretty blitzed by the time it comes out!
As Mexico does not have a dairy industry - ever seen fresh milk at Temptation? Just the boxed stuff. - Real whipped cream is hard to come by (impossible) and you have to keep it cold. AIWC is pretty nasty stuff and is terrible when warm as it get thick and runny- just the ask the bartender for his chocolate sauce if you need assistance. And do you really need AIWC to get the party started?
AIWC is getting harder to find. Pretty much have to order it online...and the stuff is expensive. Think we got our from Maybe normal whipped cream in a can is a good idea...but will that stuff be ok at room temp? One other thing about AIWC... DON'T refrigerate it. Cold causes it to solidify and makes the can unusable. I hadn't heard of cans exploding, but have heard they aren't very reliable.
heard the same asked about it at a liquor store in Minneapolis about 2 months ago and they said it was taken off the market
If you all are questioning the validity of AIWC then clearly you are not using it right The one to avoid is chocolate. Not the sexiest look. The advantages... Instant party in a can. You don't need to keep it cold like the regular stuff so it travels well. It can quickly be whipped out when the party calls for it. You don't have to waste valuable time prepping the bar, waiting for sauce, etc. When you quickly apply the AIWC there isn't time to think, just lick, suck, etc. You control the application so you can be creative with it. Yes it is hard to get. The stores in pa and south jersey told me the bottom of the cans were corroding causing leakage/explosion while on the shelves. Makes it not worth it to them to carry. PA does not allow for out of state liquor shipments but jersey does and most other states. Friends from Missouri, Texas, Illinois, Canada brought plenty for Octoberbreast.