We are in for theme night Sept 18th. I dont recall seeing any guys in kilts last time... Any one doing this or ideas of how the guy should dress?
I really don't think many will. I saw there will be some on the other weeks in September but I haven't really came across anyone in the week we are there.
In April we had at least 20 kilts.. It's all depending on who will be there and how much fun they want to have Sent from my speak and spell.
I did actually try to get sean to participate and wear one. I have only gotten him to agree on scrubs for 911 rescue night. He does love theme nights tho...for the reason of seeing the girls in their sexy costumes. He loves naughty nurses and naughty schoolgirls
I think I am going to look around and try to get one. Just a kilt and no shirt I guess is the way to go. Maybe I will come as braveheart. HA
This guy did it like a boss! http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/mem...s-april-22-29-2013-picture34208-p4240480.html
That is awesome! I think I found what I am going to do. Cant wait to surprise everyone, its going to be hilarious.