Count us in, for any and all of those!!! All the ideas sound great and should be fun!! Plus, I love another excuse to buy more stuff!!
Lace night sounds good, we are not going to make to lingerie night, it socks cause we arrive on Friday, it blows we really want it to be there for that event. How about a body paint night…… TTR 09/09 09/16 :biggrinbandit:
Well we still have our glow stuff from last trip that happen to get forgotten at home. Heaven and Hell that's kinda cute.
Nothing is written is stone. I started this a while ago but it didn't seem to have ot much interest. I am fine if there are theme nights and if there isn't. I plan to have a great time either way. I have my lingerie and and my sexy dress for white night. I think glow night is always fun cause we can include alot of other people just by giving them a few glow sticks. We usually bring a hundred or so. If you guys have interest in doing themes nights keep them coming.
We're in for a school girl theme on that wed. night. We arrive mon. the 29th. Does anyone know of the themes on mon and tues of this week?
3rd to 10th and yep I would wear my school girl outfit if we can get enough people but as far as date we have to see when everyone is there.