I've put all the themes together on the http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/temptation-resort-cancun/30776-september-themes-nights.htmlthread. If there are any missed themes/conflicts let me know so I can update. The top/first post is updated with the resort theme, Cancun care theme, club the resort is going to and Boobs Cruise.
Who want's to be the first to register for the September 28th Boobs Cruise when it opens next weekend for deposits, better, who thinks they're going to beat us?
The Labor Day crew got me jealous. Hope ya'll get the month started right for us! Still got a few weeks but I hope the mid-September group is READY TO PARTY! [ame=http://youtu.be/tmGUh-8sxvs]Are You Ready To Party? (Normal Version) - YouTube
Jealous I am so jealous. I am ready to party! The time will go fast and before you know it we will be in the sexy pool.
We are 8 freakin days away from getting crazy with everyone. We are so excited about this trip we can't wait to see all of our friends and make new ones. Let's get ready to party