Drink a lot of juice and take a bath with Dead Sea salt, its relaxing, detoxifying and feeds the body with minerals. Also, keeps skin from getting dried out from the pool/hot tub. FYI - it would be nice if yall would add some Dead Sea salt to the hot tub at your house.
Latest Boobs Cruise Predictor Graph... Looks like Week 1 is in good shape for a cruise (or two?). Mid-month is approaching viability. Remember, this is not official, Steve will post the dates at the beginning of August.
According to that graph we should get a cruise for the 1st. Which would be great cause nothing says Happy Labor Day more than a bunch of half naked, drunk, crazy people on a boat with Chinos and Omar. Let's get this party going!!!
We look forward to meeting you!! We'll be there Sept 13-20th....our 2nd trip. The 1st was very memorable
Does this look like what we the "Labor Day Crew" are looking at for theme nights?...I want to place my orders for new outfits. Carla Let me know what needs correcting Guys and Girls. Thanks Saturday, August 30 - Red Dress Night Sunday, August 31 - Naughty School Girl/Boy Monday, September 1 - Mardi Gras Night (Beads A Plenty-? Benwa "wait those are balls" - guess I missed the Poll Tuesday, September 2 - Super Hero/Heroin Wednesday, September 3 - 911 Thursday, September 4 - lingerie/Casino Friday, September 5 - White Night Sexy as you dare Saturday, September 6-Red Dress Night
It all looks good.... I would add toga night for friday as well...... in addition to sexy white night.....
We are booked for Sept 14 thru 20. We'll see all you crazies there! Now we just need to look at the available cruise dates. Kevin & Ailsha, LeAnn & Steven...have you guys booked a cruise?
WhooHoo! Glad ya'll booked. Our partners in crime and more members of the Los Locos Amigos. I have not seen any cruises dates posted yet. I remember Dan & Brit and Anna & Chris wanting a date toward end of the week (18-22 are their dates I think). Mayb Friday 19th? Would put ya'll going out with a bang like we did in feburary!