There is a specs liquor store near us that sells it but none in stock. I'll call and see if they'll order a case for us!
We're looking at being there sometime between the 9th Sept and 22 Sept for 9 nights. Count us in for a Boobs Cruise for sure.
Monday sept 1- rock star night Tuesday sept 2- 911 night Wednesday sept 3 Thursday sept 4 - lingerie Friday sept 5 - White - sexy as you dare Saturday sept 6 - Red Sunday sept 7 Monday sept 8 Tuesday sept 9 Wednesday sept 10 Thursday sept 11 - lingerie Friday sept 12 - White/Safari Saturday sept 13 - Red Sunday sept 14 - Cowboy/Cowgirl Monday sept 15 - Naughty SchoolGirl Tuesday sept 16 - Devil/Angels Wednesday sept 17 - Fetish/S & M Thursday sept 18 - lingerie Friday sept 19 - White/Glow Saturday sept 20 - Red Sunday sept 21 - sexy black dress Monday sept 22 Tuesday sept 23 Wednesday sept 24 Thursday sept 25 - Lingerie Friday sept 26 - White Saturday sept 27 - Red Sunday sept 28 - Naughty School Girl/Nerd Monday sept 29 - Mardi Gras Tuesday sept 30 - Sexy Uniform or Super Hero Wednesday Oct 1 - Cowboy/Cowgirl