Hello, first time at TTR. We will be there Sep 4-8 along with a couple other friends. Looking forward to it.
One month to go today... we would have broken free of our cubicles and settled into the sexy pool a number of drinks in. 31 days left. (less because we land at 9:30AM. SWEET!
Will be there 19 to 25 Sept, first timers. Will try to miss the timeshare speech by Temptation's management... any suggestions, Plan on wearing our CCC bracelets and tell them we were there last year and am not interested.... will this work ? Do U have to go thru the timeshare before they(front desk check-in personnel) will give U the Temptation's resort bracelet ? Will they give U the resort bracelet when U check in early and not have to wait on the room, (thinking we could get there about 1 pm ) and start drinking and eating while we wait for the room ? Is there a policy they follow ? any advise and personal experiences about check-in procedures would help... thanks for everyone's patience with a newbie...
It was very very easy for us to avoid the timeshare pitch our first time. I didn't make any excuses, and just said "No thanks we are not interested in timeshare, just looking to the room then pool asap." They didn't have a problem with this and didn't apply any pressure. All the people on trip advisor really blew this up like it was so hard to avoid. Maybe my response was convincing enough, or maybe I just look broke. We did however sit with someone for 5 minutes right next to the desk area, because we were first timers. She just explained the map, the rules, the restaurants and how reservations work. Could have figured all that in about 10 minutes, but it was helpful. They will give you the resort bracelet as soon as you get there, you can go swim, eat, DRINK, all before your room is ready. I would recommend not getting caught up in too much of the fun at first…then you won't ever want to unload your bags and make sure your room is up to your liking.
Hi. Just a firm polite 'No' should be enough. You may have to say it a couple of times but politely stand your ground. We have been 7 times and do the same every time. You do get the odd individual who tries a different approach just be aware that you don't need to do anything other than check in. We have never been there before 3pm so cannot answer your other question. Do the online check in on the TTR website this should speed up your actual check in - you can do this within 15 days of your holiday starting. See you in September C&W