Go on line to imprint.com, they are 2.45, 24 hour turn around and you can get it embossed with whatever you like, ours have cancuncare on one side and Temptation 2012 on the other, Regular shipping is 7 days 5.99 they have faster turn around if you need it
Sept 19-24 Hi! My names Angee. Me and my hubby Kenny are so excited for our first time to Temptations. Excited to make some friends!
10 days Phil! Samantha and I will be on our connecting flights to Cancun at this time! :clappyinghappy:
I have done my express check in and will start packing away things this weekend. Time is flying by now.
we did the exspress check in in april and it didnt make no difference so carryjean you will have to let me know how it worked for you have fun and will take over when you leave