This means we get to see you for one day..We get there on the night of the 26th.Denise is bringing her gf for this trip.her first. Look foward to seeing you again ......
I'm so glad I get to see you guys for a day at least!!! I thought you guys where flying in on the 27th. What time do you get in on the 26th?
We are looking forward to partying like rockstarz for our 8th trip to Temptation. September 22nd-29th
Delicious!!! U get the pleasure of being with us again...just kidding more like we get the pleasure of hanging with the amazing TTR princess again....can't wait
Ok, so it's my friday, it was a long week, I'm half way through my second margarita and saw this as "boobing" in the sexy pool... My way made me giggle!:icon_surprised:
OK ya'll... So i need some honest (and possibly thoughtful/kind) advise. This will be my first trip without my x. 8 trips prior and the last two I got really, really daring for lingerie night (hey, what's safer than to have your husband there to make sure friendly doesn't become "FRIENDLY") My outfit for lingerie night consists of a lot of black and red ribbon and some pasties. It's probably akin to going topless with a thong bikini at the sexy pool... But, and it's a big BUT, this is lingerie night and I will have no protective male back up this time. I would like to wear my outfit cuz, it's fun, and it's mine, and to reclaim experiences as "mine" instead of "ours" and cuz it's fun, and, well, cuz it's fun.. but I want to hear from single ladies (or in general those who will be there the same thursday I will: 9/6) Is this just asking for trouble and/or harassment?
I think it simply depends how big your group is...if its just you, then yes... if you have a lotta friends, youll be great.