Slang for sex slave, ha!! Jimmyjane - Live Sexy. This is our first trip, seems like everybody comes back - we may try to come out next April/May.
I have says dreamer on it. So look for me. Glenn doesn't wear it as it is way to tight for his wrist. I am almost always in the pool at the sexy pool bar.
Yeah! My dress is here...................Yippee. I love it. It's very colorful though but looks good. We also added our names to the booze cruise list. Can't wait to party. I hope the first night drunk doesn't kill us. I know Brenda I said I would hold down the fort. Don't worry I do plenty of that too.
23 days and counting 3rd time tequila sun sea sand partying and anything else we might get up 2 !!! :lotsofmichaelfs::lotsofmichaelfs:
Wet Pussy's and Kamakazi's are our groups drink of choice!! plenty of round of those will be going around our week. A few years ago, we actually ran them out of the alcohol to make them! lolol:icon_cool:
LOL...that will be saying in a few days as well....LOL You arrive a few days before us, have a cold one ready please.