Most guys just wear boxers and a t-shirt, however some really dress up with thongs, costumes and such. The “king of the little people” wore a wash cloth last year, hard to out do that….. Mike convinced a couple of the guys to dress up/down on September 16th this year. Women wear as much or as little as they want. When you consider 50% of them are topless in the pool the gals normally go more for the sexier look. Of course there is always the group in the back of "Nice Shoes" that just watch and take pictures. Don’t be one of them, come up front and live a little. Cal
Hey all!!! So theres four of us coming on the 20th until the 4th very very excited but nervous as we’ve never been to this type of resort before!! Also worried about a few things in cancun in time of year that we are coming and weather!! Just wondered if anyone has any tips for newbies and just general tips for the holiday!! Ive read some forums so i have some idea but would appreciate anything else anyone has to say!! Otherwise we cant bloooody wait!! Wooop!!
Two days and a wake up!! Can't wait but I guess I'll have too. I will have a drink in my hand by 4:30 on Sunday.