We were all TTR virgins once, or for those lucky few; BBG virgins, we all know how to play nice and be gentle. Within 5 minutes (and a shot or two) at the sexy pool she'll feel like a pro and then she'll be hooked. I know that's what happened to us the first time around. I know what you mean about fuzzy, I sat down last night to try to figure out if this was # 6 or #7,and I'm still not sure. Rain pounding in Northern Oregon, can't wait!
I remember when BBG was changing to TRC everyone was freaking out. They moved chinos, sad day, but finally they have heard the voice of the masses. Can't wait until our return in sept to see his crazy ass. 9 nights of party ready to see old friends and make new ones.
I will be returning Sept 1st - 7th with my girlfriend. This will be my - huh - 7th trip I think??? But the first without my hubby since I lost him this past March. It will be my friends 2nd trip so she's like a TTR virgin as she's not been there in 7 plus years!!! Looking so forward to going to Bob and I's special place and seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Be sure to look us up and if you say Hi! I'll buy the first round at the pool bar. Shiela
I know what you mean about those burgers. I think I lived on them the last trip. Bob kept telling me that I was going to turn into one if I kept eating them. They are kind of like Taco Bell on the way home after drinking all night here at home. :clappyinghappy::clappyinghappy:
Arrive 3 months today, cant wait to get there and see all our friends from near, far, and Wisconsin. Roll on September, I feel a party coming on, we have a bit of celebrating to do this year.
TTR Group Trip! Hey there! I was so happy to login and see the September Sticky! YEAH! Our group of 12 will be there from Tuesday - Sunday Aug. 31st - Sept. 5th! We are all TTR virgins so we are really excited to get our party on! Can't wait to have a great time and meet new peeps! CHEERS! - :daveandmo:
You'll love it, it's like when you were five years old and hopped into the sandbox to play with a kid you didn't know and two minutes later you're best friends. AAAHH, alcohol, the new friend maker.:lotsofmichaelfs:
The burgers are almost as good as the Italian and Asian restaurants. White Castle is the place to stop in our area and a few sliders will guarantee heartburn the next day. Chinos is the man and look forward to seeing him again. A group of 12 future repeaters sounds like a blast. We have a couple groups of friends that are talking about coming along, but time will tell. Remind your friends to bring their "A" game to TRC. We will see you on the 1st!