How bout a gypsy or Arabian night theme? Until I went back to coaching I was taking a belly dancing class and many of the participants wore their traditional middle eastern dance attire along with their coin belts and we are talking sexy, no matter the size of the lady. Even the guys could get into it with a little bit of an Aladdin look, or go warrior/Prince of Persia.... Thoughts? Ideas? Additions? Modifications?
Another month out of the way, only to left and it's sept. I posted some theme night ideas on . Let's see if we can come up with a few good nights.
Sorry we'll miss you guys! Oh, it looks like we miss you guys by just a day or two I really hope you have a fabulous time the week after we leave & we'll be sure to leave you with some sun and at least a bottle or two of alcohol! LOL! :bandit: