Melissa & Mike, Have safe trip out tomorrow - see you both on Wednesday. Finish work tomorrow, and I am on a half day - not that they will get much work out of me, workmates were all getting extremely pissed of with me today as I reminded them on 10 minute intervals that I was going on my holidays. Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Roll on Wednesday, but we leave on Tuesday so I think we will start our hols on Tuesday when we meet up with Viv and Neil. See the rest of you all soon as well. I am so happy :lol: Lisa and the wee fat man
HI to all ,just finishing our last shift at work yahooooooooooo Sooooooo excited got to get this weekend over then meeting up with Dave and Lisa for night in London then Cancun here we come,See you all Wednesday pm at TTR. Dave and Lisa gettin first round in then we'll get the 2nd,3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th and 8th L.O.L :lol: Viv n Neil
T never fail to amaze.... Hello to you! and please say hi to the rest of the group from us! Hope to see you all in April 2010!
Yehaa I have officially finished work. So the holiday starts now. Nice to Viv and Neil have finally put fingertips to key board instead of just lurking around. roll on Tuesday and should see the rest of you all on Wednesday. Me and the wee fat man :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
We will be arriving on the 12th for our first trip to Temptations. Looking forward to making new friends. :wink:
We miss you two and wish you were here! We already talked about how great it will be when you come down next time! If you get bored, come join us for the Halloween party! This time I really am leaving for the party!