14 days today we're supposed to be on our way to the airport hotel. We've decided to have a bit of fun before we get there so 14 days tomorrow we'll be at the airport....yippy
Ok, well maybe ya'll will spot us 1st. Tim don't have any tats, but he is a tall one, 6' 4". Mike are you taller than that??? Anyway, no matter what, we are looking forward to having our 1st drink there, and our 2nd and 3rd and.........
Hi Mike, They say everybody should have 15 mins of fame - We managed 15 sec's and I am proud of that. Les and Lynfa - having fun in the hotel the night before makes the flight to Cancun easier - makes you sleep on the way over and shortens the flight. I turn into LilLo Lil on holiday so Davy ends up a happy man We are missing the "labour of love booze cruise" so we are trying to get numbers up for a cruise possibly on the 13th - who wants to join us ? The more the merrier is my motto - it was great craic last year, and if we get the right crowd this year it should be even more fun - come on folks you know you want too :wink: Lisa and the wee fat man. Hope to hear from you all soon
We have been reading all of your posts, and I am starting to feel like we booked the wrong week...LOL......we seem to be missing out on what sounds like a wild booze cruise and a bit of a party crowd....our kind of people!!! We arrive on Sept 19 ( hubby's birthday ) for 7 days. We are really looking forward to this vacation....first time for both Cancun and Temptation :wink: !!! Anybody else that will be at the resort at the same time(Sept 19 to 25), we look forward to meeting you! Leanne & George
I agree! It is dragging getting here.... But then when I think of all I need to get done before going it is too short. Just three more weeks!!