We were there in early Feb. and it was held in the old Seafood Restaurant. No gawkers and even men took the class. The instructor was absolutely gorgeous and so much fun. It was held Mon, Wed, Fri at 10am. She did a killer workout/warm up session to begin with and then the pole dancing. Absolutely a class to take!
Ian we have seen you on a pole :shock: Please dont get any idea's I still have nightmares about the last time I saw you on the pole :cry:
Anyone going around June 5th-11th? Would love to get a group during that time to take the clas with me. What better way to make friends than take your clothes off and spin around a pole That should make everyone comfortable
Yep sounds great ... and I just read that they hold it a 10 in the morning so we can wear or stripper heels and everything .... :lol:. We will just have to drag all our friends that we make into the class with us Sheila.
*LOL*... just think how much better I could be with classes... *LOL*........ and I'm sure the poles they use don't stick like the bars on the cage did.. *LOL* ssskkkkkkkkrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaacccccccccccccccchhhhhhhh
So should we plan on Monday at 10am?? Is the class different on each day, or is it the same thing for every class? Sunday is Jerry's (jerrysjules) birthday, so I hope we don't party too hard and come to the class too hung over. Although, it may be Julie who will have a tough time in the class. After a full night of birthday sex, perhaps she'll have trouble moving! :lol: Sorry if I embaressed you Julie, but you gotta admit, it's a possibility! :wink: