meeting for the hood

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by CancunCanuck, Jul 30, 2008.

  1. cunspin

    cunspin Guest

    +0 / 0
    I don't think the crooks really give a rats ass as to where your from, Gringo, Canuck, Chilango its all the same to them. They work in areas or neighborhoods that they have scoped out for awhile and then once they sort of know your routines they get you. We have become super aware as to who belongs and who does not and have called the police several times and they do come and investigate or pick up the person that is loitering. Were the police are worthless in my experience is investigating Crimes , as I have posted before CSI they are NOT.
    The type of crime that we have here is not the kind you find in the suburbs of most cities in the US or Canada, you can let your kids ride there bikes in the street or play in neighborhoods, not the case here at all regardless of where you live.
    So yes while everyplace has crime I do think that Cancun has much more than the neighborhoods most of us grew up in, and we end up living in houses that not only have walls but electric fences, razor wire, alarms, bars on every window and of course the dogs. And with all of that now they are holding people at gunpoint as they enter or leave their homes. I am no longer a happy camper in Cancun.
  2. TraceyUk

    TraceyUk Guru Registered Member

    May 7, 2006
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    I just wanted to say take care Kelly. Good luck with the neighbourhood watch scheme.
  3. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth Guest

    +0 / 0

    Something that is not much value to us, may be of huge value to someone else. Two pesos is just two pesos, but to someone else, it may be a meal, and worth breaking into your car to get. So sometimes it's hard to understand what is worthy of a break in. My car was broken into once and nothing was stolen. At least nothing that seemed to be of value to me. Sometimes no matter what you do, you can still be a target unfortunately.

    As for crime in Cancun, my opinion is that it has definitely increased over the years. Things are hitting a little closer to home, and there isn't that same ease like their use to be. I wonder if there is a direct correlation between the increased construction and crime. No doubt they are bringing in construction guys to build all those new buildings....and everyone knows they don't get paid that well and are away from their families on top of it. Could this be a reason for that? Besides the season as low as people say and are people suffering more than previous? Whatever the case EVERYONE is effected by it now. It's no longer just "drug related" crime that you don't really have to worry about (unless you are dealing drugs).

    Stay safe and hopefully good things will come out of the meeting. The unfortunate part is that it may be hard for everyone to be on the same page. That SM is not small and is also awkwardly laid out.

    Keep us in the loop.
  4. cunspin

    cunspin Guest

    +0 / 0
    I really think that the albaƱiles get blamed for a lot of things that they are not responsible for. Why would they work their asses off and then steal ?
    I think that there are gangs that are dedicated to stealing and they are very well orginized and I doubt that they work construction by day and steal on their time off.
  5. jen***

    jen*** Guest

    +0 / 0
    That's crappy Kelly, I hope things calm down soon. Yes it happens everywhere but when it's on your own doorstep and a gang are obviously targetting the area that's scary. Check your locks and make sure windows are secure if you can.
    Unfortunately these people don't seem to be bothered about the time of day they do these things, ie the fact that they can be seen in broad daylight or the occupants are at home.
    Take care!
  6. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    I have a you guys sleep with windows closed (a/c on)? Or with windows open, so you can hear the activity in the street?

    We've never put a/c in the bedroom so we always have the windows open at night on the second floor of the house, which means I can hear the littlest noise outside, and I like that.

    Sometimes I think we should put a/c in the bedroom (I always think this in August) but I would miss being able to hear everything going on outside.

    Twice now we've had drunk drivers hit a car in the street here in the madrugada and both times I've been the only person who could ID the cars because I heard the crash first and looked out the window first.
  7. johndish

    johndish Regular Registered Member

    Dec 5, 2005
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    I feel for you guys. When we had a security guy at alamos we kept him plied with homemade food, coffee, desserts etc.

    The states is not perfect but, I can't tell you how many times I have left my garage door open over night with 5 computers in boxes, flat screen monitors, bikes and the house open. if I had done that in Cancun once i don't think i would have had the stuff to do it a second time.

    I do agree that the albineros (spelling) get the blame when they shouldn't but, what do i know
  8. Karl

    Karl Enthusiast Registered Member

    Oct 16, 2006
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    There are gangs that watch your house for a couple days, usually young 15-20 years old sitting on the curb with a notebook. 3 days later you are robbed. I live in 29 and my house has been hit twice in the past 18 months while we were sleeping. Now i have a alarm system and electric wire. Last time at 3 in the morning the alarm went off and I investagateted and found 2 guys in front of my gate connected with the ladron's. My motto spray everyone. They sell pepper spray at the Soriano on Kabahh in the Army store turn right toward Home Depot.. My gang had a least 5 persons 2 that break in 1 that helps climb and 2 watching if there is a problem . Pepper spray is legal and doesn't kill but buy the big can They look for wireless connections. All hi-tech stuff was stolen.
  9. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    I was looking for this stuff a year ago when we had threats from our ex landlord, never did get any. I know Soriana on Kabah but dont go there often... "the Army Store" is this one of those little shops out the front by the car park or a separate place?
  10. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth Guest

    +0 / 0
    Steve, if you are looking at soriana and go in the right hand doors, there is an army store just inside to the right on the way to the bathrooms.

    I was able to get pepper spray at walmart once. They were selling them at the cash and boy did they go quickly!

    As for the albaƱiles, it's the same as anyone who comes here thinking they will make good money and then don't. What's the easiest way to get it? Working and saving with the piddly salaries they make? No. Steal? Yes...easy money. Do I think construction workers are the only people to blame? No. Do I think they steal? Yes. Do all of them steal? No of course not.

    But, explain to me why a construction worker (with chanclas that are sewed up with thread because they broke), is walking around with a $500 dollar phone? Am I to believe that they saved, didn't feed themselves or their family for a year and bought it? Most likely not. I don''t think having all the construction around and bringing in people from all over Mexico to work has helped keep crime down. I know they are not solely responsible for all crime in Cancun. But you certainly cannot ignore that it may be a small part of the big problem.

    Anyhow, not to add to the negativity but just to throw anothing warning, out my neighbours across the street received a phonecall from the so called "Zeta" gang demanding they hand over money or they would hurt their family. They described where they lived, what they drove, said what their children's names were. When my neighbours went to the police the police asked if they paid anything. When the family said no, the police said, "Well then there is nothing we can do for you, have a nice day.". Nice.
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