Sea Star sunk in front of my house **Pics added**

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Ana, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. Ana

    Ana Guest

    +0 / 0
    Coming back from Las Vegas attending the Pow Wow and trying to put everything in order at my room, I began to see this 2 level ferry or embarkation getting down.

    Some of the boats as well as wave runners enjoying the Saturday come close to help.

    The people using this Sea Star to cross from Playa Tortugas to Isla Mujeres jump to the boats that came close.

    Finally 2 boats help this ferry boat to get into land….. just in front my house and all the rear part of embarkation remain under water.
  2. cunspin

    cunspin Guest

    +0 / 0
    I thought that happened in Isla Mujeres?
  3. mixz1

    mixz1 Guest

    +0 / 0
    From today's Novedades

    Naufraga embarcación
    Por:Eric Galindo/Agencias

    La embarcación "Sea Star" naufragó ayer poco después del mediodía, con cerca de 250 pasajeros y cinco tripulantes, frente a las costas de Cancún, lo que dejó ocho personas heridas, una de ellas de gravedad, informó la Cruz Roja Mexicana.

    El coordinador de socorro de la Cruz Roja en Cancún, Jeremy Smith, dijo que esa dependencia atendió a ocho personas en el lugar, cinco por crisis nerviosa y dos por fractura en brazos.

    Además, una mujer de entre 25 y 30 años fue llevada inconsciente a un hospital privado y en estado "crítico", tras recibir diversos golpes en el cuerpo, precisó Smith.

    El catamarán, que hace recorridos turísticos, estuvo a punto de naufragar, dijo Vicente Martínez Morales, titular de la Capitanía de Puerto de Cancún e Isla Mujeres.

    Por su parte, la Dirección General de la Policía Preventiva, Tránsito y Bomberos (DGPPTyB) informó que al momento en que la embarcación "Sea Star", de la compañía Caribbean Carnival, registró el desperfecto, era operada por Agustín Cituk. En el catamarán se encontraban estudiantes de una universidad de Dallas, Texas, Estados Unidos.

    Al momento del accidente resultó semiahogada la joven Lisa Cheng, de 18 años de edad, originaria de Dallas, quien fue trasladada por paramédicos de la Cruz Roja al Hospital Galenia para su atención médica.
    Personal de la Armada de México y de la Capitanía de Puerto ayudaron a rescatar a los extranjeros, a quienes llevaron al muelle del hotel Coral Bech.

    Según informes policiacos, la embarcación se hundió a unos 500 metros del hotel antes mencionado, cerca de la barra coralina.
    De los hechos tomaron conocimiento elementos de Bomberos, Tránsito, Policía Turística y Cruz Roja, entre otras corporaciones.
  4. CancunCanuck

    CancunCanuck Guest

    +0 / 0
  5. Ana

    Ana Guest

    +0 / 0
    I have a little more info, it seams that the ferry went in not to deep water when crossing causing the propelas (engine?) to crash on the sand and making a hole on the rear bottom of it.

    I also have a lot of pictures from when this was happening in the middle of the ocean and of passengers jumping into other boats and wave runners, then 2 more boats that bring the ferry in to land.

    If someone want to see it it is semi sunk in front of hole 14 Pok Ta Pok.
  6. Jim in Cancun

    Jim in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
  7. CancunCanuck

    CancunCanuck Guest

    +0 / 0
    Ok, so much conflicting information. Does anyone know who the boat was being operated by? Some papers say Caribbean Carnaval, some say Club Lagoon (Sunset?), can anyone verify which company is involved?

    I've started getting emails from family members looking for information, any help would be appreciated.

    Ana, check your pm's please!
  8. Jim in Cancun

    Jim in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    From what I can gather, Grad city is the tour operator that hired Caribbean Carnival for this tour. It seems that Caribbean Carnival couldn´t fulfill it and as a consecuense it was sent to the marina to fulfill it. The boat itself belongs to Marina Club Lagoon. That is why all 3 names are coming up.
  9. CancunCanuck

    CancunCanuck Guest

    +0 / 0
    Thanks Jim, that makes sense. I feel bad for the families trying to figure out what is going on. They are not getting any information, must be very difficult for parents of teenagers to be hearing all this from a distance.

    Determining fault here is going to be difficult. Grad city? Caribbean? Club Lagoon? The captain? Where would I go if this was one of my kids?

    Add to that the damage to the reef and this is a tragedy. It sure sounds like one that was avoidable, El Quintanarroense states that the boat had a capacity of 85 people but was carrying 220.
  10. Ana

    Ana Guest

    +0 / 0
    Fault is of the Captain.

    Parents must complain to Grad City as they buy the tour from them, Grad City need to go after Caribbean Carnaval as they hire them to provide the service.

    I have no idea whom is in front of Caribbean Carnaval now, if you remember the owner was killed by shots almost in front of La Mega Comercial while driving his car back home.
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