Bonine works instantly was told about on a cruise a few years ago it works great and no drowsiness they sale it at Walmart
I'm sure it happens, but I've never seen anyone sick on the Boobs Cruise. It's a very stable boat, especially the big one. There is no medical reason for the band's to work, but some people swear by them. Motion sickness can be controlled to some degree by the mind, so if you believe they work, they may actually work. I gave someone a round band aid on a fishing trip once, told them it was a patch and they felt better. The mind can be a powerful tool in healing the body. Sam
Well I'm married to someone that was sick on the big boat so it does happen! It was a rough day though. Go buy some ginger root pills they actually are proven to work and no side affects like gravol.
Well I am going on the 16th cruise and bought sea bands cause I have been known to get sea sick .... I will report back my findings lol
The bands work for me. I had slight nausea on the trips 2 years ago, last year I brought our kids sea bands and I felt no nausea, I'll be wearing them on every Boobs Cruise.
Bonine or Mechlazine? Awesome for me. NO drowsiness or effect with alcohol like Gravol. Take one hour before depart