i think it comes down to you can find an article that plays to any narrative you want. There are ‘experts’ here, there and everywhere. Scuba divers know the true death rates, IT professionals know hospitalization rate impacts and Boobs Cruise operators are promoting herd immunity as the way to go. The world has gone bonkers lol. We are all ‘experts’ and can find tons of articles to support our points. The article I think you are referring to said no opening on June 1st, everyone must have an approved hygiene plan first but later saying the plan is a suggestion and optional. I can interpret the meaning of that article 5 different ways. I am trying hard to keep an open mind and just let the events play out and then make my own decision based on the ‘facts’ of course even those seem debatable these days. I do appreciate that your fine state of Texas is being the guinea pig for opening up. Closely watching to see how that plays out and sincerely hoping for the best.
I'll just take that as a joke, and defer to my occupation as listed under my CCC profile, cause it's more accurate than what's listed above.
You're an absolute cretin to suggest that my broader comments on the virus in general has any influence on the way I run my business.
Yes a joke. I am the IT professional who seems to know hospitalization rate so I was poking fun at myself too. If you somehow came to that conclusion by that joke then you really need to get out. Very sensitive lately Steve. In no way did the comment have any statement on the way you run your business. Rereading and rereading and not sure how you came to that conclusion? The point is that people from all walks of life in all sorts of businesses have opinions that can be supported by news articles.
Didn't Georgia and Arizona open up all the way first? Here... it's like maybe 50%... very rough estimate. The 50% is the capacity max in restaurants now... I think as of this past Friday, the 15th? Hair salons/barbers getting going again, slowly, people leaving literally tons of hair for those poor folks to sweep & vacuum up. Nail salons can open up, same sort of 50% deal. I heard a statistic on talk radio today... apparently 40,000,000 Americans now out of work. If that's accurate... that many folks with no income, with or without stimulus help... it's going to be bad. I'm sure that this includes people who were already unemployed, but still. IF those people are people who were working... shoot even if just half of the 40M, that's 20M...~13% of the workforce. Ouch...
Yep. It's the same principle behind making statistics and numbers "say what you want them to say." Pretty much exactly. Here's an example: In Texas, we have this thing we use for separated/divorced parents for where the child/ren is/are "going to be, when." It's in our Family Code, and the shiny brave people in Austin imaginatively called in the Standard Possession order ("SPO"). Very original and quite descriptive. Not. Anyway, I think that we can all agree that 3 out of 4 years has 365 days and the 4th has 366. The year is broken down into 12 months, or 52 weeks, days are ~24 hours long and an hour is 3600 seconds. So... we should be able to nail down with specificity how much, by percentage, each parent is going to have time with his/her kiddo. Right? Right. .... or, not. What happens if we consider the time the kids are at school as being one parent's but not the others? Or, if we don't allocate that time as being "either" parent's time? Same thing with the time the child is asleep, it's not time "with" the parent in any active way... is that time important that it's counted, or not? I can, and have, manipulated the above to argue on both sides of this thing to say that: A) A SPO only gives him/her 38% of the time with the child, which is not fair and not what was intended;" or B) "The SPO results in an an almost exact 50/50 split of the child's time, which is precisely what was intended." Both assertions are correct (aside from my postulation on what it was they intended) as long as You, the listener/reader, are aware of the premises from under which the result was obtained. Pure gamesmanship.
John, my point exactly in my reply to you in another thread. Fun, fun, fun. By the way, I sincerely like your thoughts and humor. Just sayin’ Everything IS fake news to some extent. Including us!