Anyone planning a trip? Get ready to get taken to the cleaners on your points for air fare. No way we can ever use all of ours unless I live to be 160. bobandpam
I am glad my Premier membership is not based on RCI points, but as bad as it seems now, it sounds like Chris at Premier is working on getting this problem resolved. It is a good idea to let others know about the problem, and I hope that Chris and Premier get this fixed for you and all of the other Premier members. A wise person once told me that "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is not true".
Suggest you read this thread to catch up on what's being done... Jamie
thread Hey Jamie, Thanks for pointing out that thread, I had overlooked have come through yet again....Now lets hope they gets this all figured out. Hope all is well with you.
NP.. as far as all being well... I'm at work rather than at TTR but you've got to earn to play so..... Jamie