we just got back from our Canadian reading week vacation and stayed at the Dos Playas in Cancun. Obviously Cancun was amazing and as beautiful as ever so theres no point in talking about that. The hotel was o.k., but don't go into it thinking your getting anymore then a 2.5 star hotel or you will be disapointed. the beach is nice and theres lots of chairs and places to lay on the beach, the people and bartenders are really good and the location of the hotel is awesome, I walked home from coco bongos one night and took me maybe 40 minutes... i would not suggest this at all but i was so drunk i didn't care and had no money for a bus or a cab. theres 3 small pools we never went in and 2 small bars. the rooms are fine, nothing crazy but just fine... the first night we had to stay in a total shithole of a place but they later moved us the next day to a much nicer room. biggest downfall of this hotel is that the food is DISGUSTING like theres nothing at all to eat... chicken was not chicken it was some sort of just shit.. and so went for the beef and all that stuff.. we ate pizza and went out alot which ended up costing alot but it was worth it. If you looking to save money and just going to get drunk and fuck people, the hotel gate guy would let anyone in, he just sits and reads his book.. then this place is for you... but don't go and expect to get any better then a 2.5 star oh and go see pablo or rico (he's black as midnight) they will hook you up with the best clubs at a good price and they will block off some tables for you, I was very impressed with these guys. Cheers and pour one out for me!
im going there in 24 days! to be honest i am expecting a 2.5 star rating, nothing more. were gonna use the place as more of a pit stop to get changed rather than a place to hang around in like the more luxurious places. the food being shit is a bit of a bummer but fu*k it, 24 days away and i cant wait!
I will be there in less then 24hours. What did you say or do when you got the shit room on the 1st day? I'm thinking of tossing a $20.00 at the desk to get a "nice" room. Too bad about the food..looks like I will be eating out.....How was breakfast?
Breakfast is usually one the of good meals at hotels, you can't really screw up fruit and french toast mmmm
I agree dream, good way to start off your day!! I usually try and get there towards the end of it, so I get some sleep and also get something to eat!