I agree until that part. You imply someone is selfish for taking a chair that nobody is using. The selfish one is the person using a chair to rest their towel on. I would think the only fair way is you can't save a chair unless you have used it first. Saving a chair is not going back for a little more sleep, grabbing breakfast, and then jumping in the pool, it's just being rude. Just because that is the way the "game" is played doesn't make it any less than what it is.
I meant to imply the person is being selfish by knowing the rules but deciding that they don't want to play by them but expecting a chair anyway. If you want to reserve a chair you pretty much have to get up at stupid'o'clock and go reserve one, if you don't want to do that you need to take some personal responsibility and realize you may not get a chair, not scan them for an hour to see if someone meets your own set of rules. Like I said, it's imperfect but it sort of works and I can't think of a better option that doesn't involving policing or some sort of ticketing system. "Now serving...." I do think that members should use the members areas only, I can understand people being upset that they're taking up areas available to us scrubs when they have their own reserved sections. Lots of problems and few solutions it seems.
Re 'when in Rome...' yes, please complete the sentence. Lol. Sorry I watched anchorman on tbs last night Sheldon, you know I love drama. I have an evil plan for May. As of now we are planning a GOV / pearl combo for May. But will make our way to TTR for the Boobs Cruise. I am going to print up 100 cancuncare t shirts with random user names (i will be sure marshe is on several though) and reserve all the chairs at 4am the night after the cruise. I might have to get a day pass just to watch all the drama unfold as people wander out and see all the chairs reserved with no one arriving to sit in them. Should cause quite the riot. Based on some of the responses I expect fires and looting. The only topics that cause more turmoil are cameras and single guys.
It amazes me that this is as much of an issue as it is. If nobody is sitting in a chair and somebody that I want to talk to is sitting in the one next to it, then I sit down and talk to my friend. If the chair saver comes along and says that I'm sitting in their seat, then even better cause now I have a chance to meet a new friend. If they are an asshole about it, then that's also great because they saved me the trouble of figuring out if I wanted to make friends with them or not. It's really a win win.
Last year was our first year, and we saved chairs for ourselves at 6:00 a.m., only because we had to or we wouldn't get a chair, as we respected the towel saves the chair rule. If we were not going to be there right after breakfast (9:30-10:00) we didn't save. I think most people, as is with us, only save chairs to have a place to put stuff. The idea of lockers or even cubby holes off to the side would be ideal. Neither of us like sitting in the loungers, I prefer being in the pool and the Mrs. likes sitting pool side some of the time but hates the laydown lounger. She asked for a sit up chair last year, but they would not accommodate her. This year we are planning to bring our own sit up lawn chair, that we would squeeze in somewhere pool side. That is all we would need as our stuff could go underneath. Does anyone know if the resort would frown on this? Hauling it down there is not a big deal, but if they won't let us do this, i don't want to bother.
This stuff gets me every year..and I can't get over how nasty it can get.. we are adults right?? I get a kick out of how people say " the chair hasn't been sat in for a couple hours.. so I'm taking/ moving their stuff..etc. Good god if you want a chair get your lazy asses out of bed get down there and get one... you snooze you loose simple as that...majority of the people that go to TTR are fun happy people, I don't care if I get a lounger, I've met so many great people I always have a place to stash my stuff. For christ sake people we're going to TTR to have fun, CC is a place to meet good people not bitch an moan about weather or not your getting a dam lounger.:bash: