Here here , this whole chair/lounger saving BS pisses us off . People putting towels on chairs at 3am when they are stumbling their way to bed at 3am and thinking they can save it till noon the next day ....not F&%$@*g happening ...if we need a lounger then were getting loungers .
Wow. . . Incredible how many think they run things at mecca. As if they get to make the rules. Doesn't matter if you are on your second or 20th trip, you don't set the rules or vibe. No one is important or big enough to impose their opinions or will on Mecca. Therefore understand the way things are done or move on. (perhaps those who wanna whine about this time honoured tradition at the Sexy Pool should be more at home at the Quiet Pool or even another hotel) As the saying goes. . . When in Rome. . .
We are morning people (dont know how alcohol will play) and we are planning on being there @ 6 :sofa:
I bet you wont be there at 6 and be sitting down there, lol Ive known people to get up at 4 or 5 to save seats and go back to bed but never heard of anybody being sober enough to do it at 3 in the morning. If we dont get there in time to get a chair we just toss our stuff by somebodies chair we know and get in the pool!
This is the same debate at every resort. No way we're getting up at 6am. LoL. So, if you see us coming mid-morning, feel free to offer, "Hey guys, you can throw your towels under our chair/bed." appreciated.
If I (Jay) get up at 5:30 or 6am to go for a run then I will put some shirts on a couple of chairs, go for my run, take a shower, have some breakfast and then hit the pool. If Jacquie gets up and goes to the gym she will do the same thing. If neither of us get up then we will find some people we know and put our stuff with them. If all that fails then we stick our stuff in a corner and hit the pool and wait it out for a chair. First year was tough, second year was easier and this time for our third trip we know a lot more people so it will be easier. I don't like the reserving of chairs but no one is going to stop it so you just have to play the game.
Should be interesting - as first timers going down this year, we don't know anyone yet (although we've met some people "digitally" on CCC), but I can guarantee I won't be up at 6am, unless something's gone horribly wrong
Last Sept was our 3rd time at TTR. I told my wife I was going to pick out 3 chairs at various spots, and keep an eye on them until noon for any activity. My wife likes to lay in the sun. 2 of the chairs had people in them by 10:30 and 11, but he other one did not by noon. The one left had the all powerful "white" towel on it, nothing else. I removed the all powerful towel and put it under the chair. AT 2 (thats TWO PM.) a lady shows up and started getting upset because her white towel was gone. I saw her looking around and complaining and explained to her that we had been there since 10 am and no one had used that chair. AT that point she told me....."I'm a PREMIERE MEMBER and Ive been coming here for 10 years" which I replied, "Congratulations". If you dont show up by 2 and we need a chair, I will remove you towel and or those t-shirts folks like to put over the chairs. It should be 11 or 12, but I dont want to seem like an ass. lol
They cleared stuff off all the chairs one morning in early Jan. Not sure when, but guess around 4-6. I definitely agree on the 6 am rule. Drunk saving at midnight seems like a bad plan.
The process for saving a chair is an imperfect one and I think that's something that happens at almost every resort. That being said it seems that most people, unless completely new to the scene, are aware of the unspoken rules. If you would like to reserve a chair it means setting the alarm and stumbling down to the pool at an ungodly hour and placing something personal on a chair. Regardless of whether or not you agree with the process it's pretty much accepted and most people play nice. There's no cutoff time for chair usage and if you're honestly watching chairs or just removing peoples stuff because you don't agree with the process I think you're missing out on the friendliness of the resort and focusing too much on what other people are doing and not enough on sexy people having a good time. I'm sure there's a better way of securing chairs (although you'd think some bright spark at a resort would've implemented it by now) but there's never going to be enough chairs for everyone during peak periods and if you can share with friends then do so but don't go moving peoples stuff just because they didn't make some arbitrary deadline you selfishly imposed on someone you don't know just because you don't feel the "game" is fair or worth your while. - Andrew -