Bring him in May and the two of us will tear up the town CARDIO Style! With both of us having new hearts there will be no stoping us... We'll have the strength of kids and the knowledge of old guys.. deadly combination.. for everyone else that is... :lotsofmichaelf: Jamie
Husbands health Glad to hear he is on the mend!! This could have been a blessing in disguise. I got pretty ill in the DR and the hospitals are not all that grand, thank God my wife is an ER nurse!! All-in-all, you are both better off now with the problem done with!! Come on down end of Oct. and we will all buy you a drink!! Be Well!! John&Kathie
Well we are booked AGAIN for 11/17-24. Hold some warm weather for us and I will be holding my breath all goes well. Insurance this time is a problem due to "pre-existing condition" . I would hold off till spring but hubby really wants to go now in light of it all!!