I am with them. What are the best Jacuzzi rooms? Would be nice to rquest a specific room and hope it is available when we check in.
Angela and I don't live together so I treat the hotel room like I do motor homes and boats. I always head to the lobby when the system is ready.:icon_eek:
We had 2212 and would be happy to stay there again. Very convenient and easy to find late at night (or early in the morn). It is loud though as Patyo's is RIGHT OUT YOUR DOOR!
Are the sliding patio doors on the first floor lockable so you can get in and out that way or do you just have to leave it unlocked?
We just left ours unlocked as it was hella convenient for me to just hop the balcony to grab what I needed from the room ... if we were away for a while, we always locked it *shrug*
We stayed in a jacuzzi room by the sexy pool. It was nice and quiet and clean. As I live in Texas with a great AC almost year round, the AC there in comparison sucked... I live on the water here, but it just seemed being on the water there created alot more humidity induced "falls". Seriously, I could not even make it out the door in heels without falling flat on my ass! (All that humidity mixed with tiles, did me in!).... and that was just in my room. I believe they need to upgrade the AC systems in these rooms! Next time, I'm leaving the heels at home. All flip flops and bare feet for me!
Same here. I'm not bothering with heels again, it is just a disaster waiting to happen. Flats are all I can cope with in the humidity.