Hi, we will be at Temptations from Feb. 22-Mar. 1, 2009 and was wondering if it cost more to have a ocean view room or pool view room and what is the best floor/rooms to stay in? Much Thanks, Dwayne.
Being patient at check-in time and smiling a lot will help you get a better room, but in reality you are going to get the room they have assigned for you. Don't be afraid to march right back to the desk if you are in a spot that you don't like. The rooms right off Patty-O's bar have a great view and have great access to the sexy pool, but I would absolutely avoid those. The noise during the night and early morning is unbearable.
The last 2 times we went we had rooms with a view of the sexy pool and the door to patty-o's (margaritas). The first time when it was still BBG we had a second floor room and did not have any issues with noise, last time they put us on the ground floor and it was horrid, we did not get any sleep for several nights and finally got fed up and had them move us. The bad thing was that it wasn't guests being loud it was the staff yelling at 4 am down the hall and running trash cans on wheels up and down the hall.
The staff yelling wasn't nearly as bad as the clanging of pots and pans all night. The first floor rooms in that section are great when you are at the pool, but not good the rest of the time.
I prefer quiet pool ground floor. They're close to all of the eating places (for the most part), plus it's quiet over there and pretty nice too. We had ground facing quiet pool last time and will request that every time we go.
Thanks for the replies, also I heard some rooms do not have a bathroom door in them... What rooms are they?
the room we stayed in last time did not have a door to the bathroom ( ill ask t for you which room we had ) and we have never had an ocean view as long as i dont have to climb stairwells im tickled pink primarily because the view is not what we go for if we were going for ocean view - or if that were a priority of say a -2 on a scale of 1 to 10 we would certainly look for another place to stay - ocean view for us is about a -7 in priority as it is for most who frequent there hope this helps you guys rob and t
We too prefer the 1st or 2nd level rooms by the quiet pool. Whether there's a bathroom door or not doesn't bother us...it's just one more thing to run into when you're 3 sheets to the wind. Last year we were 1st level right outside of Paty 'O and it sucked big time. Will not do that again...unless it was 2nd level, I guess the sound doesn't travel up? Diana