I don't have a clue how many it will hold,however it would be fun to find out :lol: Maybe one more person if everyone was naked :lol: Kinda like when they used to see how many naked people they could get in a Volkswagon Bug. We really should try it Would'nt that make a great pic for the trip Might make it into the world record book :shock:
*LOL*.. I've seen a naked shot of people crammed into one of the tubs at the pool.......... we could get chinos to do it.. *L*
Yeah! Just tell him it's your birthday and that how you want to pend it and he i game but, he' also adding some Chinos rules.
4bidden, I don't know. kinda like how many licks to the center of a tootsie pop. Obviously all of us bbg-ers are total hotties, so we can squeeze in maybe an extra 3 for that. Add in elrodh's extra 1 for the nekkidness, minus about 1/4 a person for the inevitible "group swelling" that would occur. I think if we stack 'em right and use all "available space" for temporary storage (this is the point at which an extremely disconcerting grin crawls its way across my face), I believe we can get 16 on it. First volunteers right here. Maybe we can have a prize pool for the winner who guesses the closest without going over.