Sometimes it doesn't pay to be a workaholic. Can't work OT anymore without a complete system crash. Sigh, at least it's our costume party for work tonight and the white suit I got for white night is a huge hit! :huepfen021:
Whew, just got back from wal-mart and the shopping is pretty much done. (except for haircare products which granted is probably a bigger list than the rest) Since I'm outnumbered again this year and I'm trying to gain favor do any of the Canucks, Brits or other outworlder's going to want anything from the states? Size and customs approriate of course.
Hi sexy I saw sultry fox post about sugar free mixes, and would love to try the strawberry daquiri..i tried to order but they dont ship to europe,,,, pretty please.. Strawberry Daiquiri/Margarita - Packet xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:cheerleaders:
Thanks Jesse, I'm going to be in Portland :usa1: the next couple of weekends anyway. Besides my SUV will carry more than the airline will let me! :lotsofmichaelfs:
spurs shirt ? well, jesse, this is a very kind offer ! how does the SPURS shirt looks like this season ? (though it is not the club of our german fellow DIRK N.) i could offer you to bring in exchange 1 legendary "skull & crossbones" shirt of my favourite football club FC ST. PAULI ... :headbanger: FC St. Pauli Fan-Shop - T-Shirt Totenkopf braun FC0124 well lemme know ... b4n ! have now to celebrate our tonights 2-0 away win at BERLIN ... CHEERS ! greetings from good ole germany !
Your all set Sue, I just ordered you 2 packages which according to the site should be enough for a gallon of margertia's. Probably not my thing but I do want to try a sip.
That would be great! Granted it's not a stein of Lowenbrau but the next best thing I'm sure. I would go with an XL if they have it. After 2 and a half weeks I've usually put on some drinking pounds. We have Spurs shirts everywhere. They're usually just a black shirt with the logo but if you wanted something with more graphics or in white I'm sure that could be arranaged. Just let me know the size. This is against my better sense of self-preservation but if you prefer I may be able to get my hands on a Mavericks shirt at one the athletic stores.
thankyou so much a gallon should do us the first night... i love cocktails.. but at the resort they are too sugary..hopefully this should fix the problem .....:sunny:
This is a great idea Sue....I'm going to check out bringing some of this too as I felt they were very sweet at TTR. I loved the chocolate martinis though, they weren't too bad. I'll be in for a night of those with ya. :aktion033: