If you like facials, come to the the Montreal gathering. We can all stand in a circle and splash some salty creams from 3 different countries on your face. You'll have to rub in yourself though... Remember to close your eyes...
ughhhhhhhhhhhhh yuck dude!! That wasnt exactly what i was expecting ahhhhhhh SHDOIFHDLFIDNILFNDLIFNDLSKFNKLSDFND hahahahahaha I expected that kind of a statement from ian!! Well......then again, it IS you waste! Good one :lol:
anyways, nice tattoos! Bet that hurt like a BITCH!!! I heard chest tattoos are the worst, aside from getting them on your ribs, which is my next one!
naw, thats the one after my ribs! :lol: but I am thinking of changing it to a dominos pizza box! Nerd Dawg inspired of course
to let EVERYONE know Im rockin dominos!! YOU better wear your outfit one night in cancun, if you book of course!