Road Trip Ideas

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Roxie, May 18, 2011.

  1. Windknot

    Windknot Regular Registered Member

    Sep 10, 2008
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    Veracruz, Ver., Mx.
    +0 / 0
    No Problem. From Daytona, you probably want to head up to JAX and take I-10 straight across. You'll be on that road, all the way to Houston.

    But what you want to do, is stay the night in Beaumont, Texas, about 70 miles from Houston. An early start the next morning will see you through the city before the really bad rush hour traffic starts. This will be a short day,'ll be in Brownsville by about 1:30 PM.

    As you approach the Houston downtown area, look for 59-South. It is a left side exit, so beware of that.

    Just as I thought might happen, the Brownsville/Matamoros area is much safer now. I went through there, just last month. No need to slide over to Reynosa. In fact, The States of Nuevo Leon and Guerrero, seem to be the hotspots right now and that's where you would be going, if you crossed at Reynosa. According to my reports, most of Mexico is much calmer now, maybe due to the upcoming elections. HOWEVER....there has been a LOT of pressure put on journalists and anyone in general who uses the social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and talks negatively about a cartel or who posts their actions. So there may be a lot that never reaches the public. However, IMO, Quintana Roo (Hell...the whole Yucatan Peninsula) is very safe and I would not hesitate to go there....and I do.

    I do not know what "Pecos" are, but cigarettes are considerably cheaper in Mexico. Only trouble is that you are limited when it comes to brands, and unless I missed something, there is no such thing as an "ultra-light" cigarette in Mexico. Suggest that if you have a Sam's or Costco membership, that you bring your card. They will be cheapest there.

    Anything else, please feel free to PM me. If you have a magic jack or don't mind calling Stuart, Florida, you can also call. The phone rings at my house in Mexico as well. Other than that, I will be back in Florida, around May 10.
    Good luck.

    Here's another tip: Go and find any old Florida license plate and stick it on the front of your vehicle. Several Mex. cities have really corrupt traffic cops (transitos) looking for bribes and one of their pet reasons for pulling a car over, is if you do not have a front license plate, which is the law in Mexico. Your American plated car is perfectly legal in Mexico with just one plate, but to have 2, just means that there is just one less thing that they will try get you on. Seat belts is another favorite.
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