Riu Cancun ***** AI

Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by Steve, Jan 22, 2005.

  1. dannapier

    dannapier Guest

    +0 / 0
    Riu Cancun is Amazing. I stayed There march 12-19 2005. So much to do. Non stop acxtivities and alot of corona on tap. I have never seen that before, but it was awsome. Anyone going to that hotel or any of the Riu's will never want to stay anywhere else.

    SB 2006 March 18-25 "Riu Caribe"
  2. dannapier

    dannapier Guest

    +0 / 0
    That last picture you have there. of the bartender. I talked with that guy for a long time. He would always work that lobby bar.
  3. shoreladie

    shoreladie Guest

    +0 / 0
    welcome to t he board ! :bigwave:
  4. dannapier

    dannapier Guest

    +0 / 0
    Here is a nice pic from where my room is. As you can see it very busy.

    FLYUSMC Guest

    +0 / 0
    Ok, my favorite hotel, Cancun Palace, is not going to be open during March. I like the looks of this hotel alot. It is between this one Riu Paladce, and Riu Caribe. Which one is most likey to have the single ladies??? :p
  6. dannapier

    dannapier Guest

    +0 / 0
    you might want to check again about cancun palace. My girlfreind had already booked and just piad for her trip to cancun palace last week. From what i know is it is opening in dec. or jan. Will def. be open in march
  7. Klaw

    Klaw Guest

    +0 / 0
    Not necessarily.

    If your girlfriedn booked through a charter comapny they will put her in another resort in March if the resort she chose is not open.

    I was in Cancun about 10 days ago and from everything I am hearing, including a few friends who work for the Palace resorts, the Cancun Palace will not be open until May 31st.

  8. Aprilraine9

    Aprilraine9 Guest

    +0 / 0
    Riu Cancun

    Hola. Can anyone tell me the latest on the Riu Cancun?
    I'm looking at possibly staying at the Riu Cancun next month if its operational!
    Any input would be appreciated.
    How is the beach recovering in that area?

    Aprilraine :)
  9. Shana

    Shana Guest

    +0 / 0
    aprilraine, I saw pics from brandts site, and also from another forum, the beach actually looks bigger than the last time I was there in March of 04. We'll be going down the 25th of Feb. for a week with my 2 daughters (8 & 10) We are all very excited!
  10. RoynSandy

    RoynSandy Addict Registered Member

    Nov 9, 2004
    Likes Received:
    +7 / 0

    We stayed at the Riu the 2nd month it was open and really liked the resort.Everything was great,even though it was just opened.I can only imagine how wondeful this beautiful resort is now.When we were there we spent time talking to a bartender at the swim up bar his name was Carlos,we never took his picture but would love to have one,if by ANY chance someone might have one we would love to have a copy of it. Thanks R& S
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