This is early, but maybe this will get out to all we hung with on our last outing to TTR! Give us some input guys & gals! Been looking a the calander and came up with a possible reunion time next year at TTR. Apr. 15th to the 27th look real good to us as Sue has to take the week of the 19th off. That would give us 10 days at TTR and a couple of days travel time. Any other suggestions out there? It's still to early to book (I'll check around June 1st) and ofcourse these dates are open for any changes. Keep 'em in mind and post any changes that you'd like. Also, if you know of anyone that's not on FB and have their E-mail address, please forward this to them. Thanks guys & gals, Woody & Sue :cheerleaders:
When is Easter next year? We will definitely be there in April, but Easter has alot to do with when, and also, for us, we really can't book until we see the premier prices. This year, the prices after April 16th (I believe was the date after easter) made a big difference in cost. Not just a few dollars, but a huge difference.
We will be there, I will have to look at a calenadar because my son graduates next year and they have a lot going on. Cant wait Thanks Woody