Yolanda, Camila, John Paul and myself are leaving for the U.S. tomorrow. I plan on placing some periodic updates regarding our ordeal, challenges etc so that others who may eventually return can no what to expect. Especially fun (strong sarcasm) is the immigration process for my wife.... For all of those that I have met I appreciate the friendship, assistance, support, shoulder to lean on etc. that you have all provided. For those of you that I have not met again thanks for the support that this board provides. This is a great board for those of us that live here. Steve thanks for providing a forum that allows locals and transient visitors to learn more about the vacation and living experience...
I know we haven't seen a lot of eachother lately John but we surely have a some good memories and good laughs. I won't forget them and hope to stay in touch with you. I look forward to hearing about the adjustment of being back and how you feel about it all. Hugs and Kisses!!!! Safe trip!
John - Have a safe trip! And good luck there. US Immigration sucks but it's a little more logical and consistent than Mexican Immigration (and easier to comply with too). We will all miss you!
I wish you the best, John, I am sure everything will be ok for all of you. Please, stay in touch, I keep very good memories of you and all the family, and your kindness warmed me up many times. :wave:
Best of luck to all of you and keep in touch. I look forward to seeing you again either here or there.
Good luck John and family. I'm sure we'll see you again at some point and hope that wont be too long.
Good luck John, sorry we never got to meet! Perhaps when you come back as a tourist, haha. Good luck with everything!
Well we kept our house!!! We have a nice family that is signing a two year lease so if shit goes bad in the states we can always hide out here!
Good luck, John, especially with the immigration ordeal. I'm going through that right now. And I just read last night that they are REALLY hiking up the prices for various steps in the immigration process. They're doubling and tripling them in some cases.