I have never worn dress pants. I always wear jeans and a collared shirt and shoes. I dont wear my work jeans or anything crappy looking, but I believe the main concern is to just look like nice, they dont want people coming off the beach and into the restaurant or still wet from the pool. Some people dress a lil better then others, I for one choose comfort.. like I said . A collared shirt, Dark jeans and shoes and ive never been turned away
Stuart would usually wear dark jeans and a smart polo shirt out, would this be exceptable? nitecap: what are slacks? have never heard of them? He is very tall and has a problem buying trousers so most shops arn't really an option
I would think that would be fine, that is what I wear all the time down there for the dinners.... As for the other question above, the dress code is really only for the specialty restaurants.
That is what Steve wore when we were there last week and had no problems. As others have said, they just don't want you to look like you just strolled in from the pool.
Agreed, dark jeans and nicer button up shirt is bueno. Ha Ha! Slacks are trousers - same english language, just a bit of a twist here and there! TWO WEEKS TO GO!!!
I've seen men get turned away for open toed shoes at times; other times no problem. Play it safe, have closed toed shoes. Shorts, hit or miss; again, play it safe and have long slacks (jeans seem OK), just decent looking ones. And a shirt with a collar. These rules are just for Italian & Asian. Never seen a lady have a problem at all; obviously don't push it and try to go in barefoot in a bathing suit. But revealing dresses are never an issue. Think the restaurant staff actually likes it, and why not?