My wife and I are quite familiar with Cancun restaurants. We are looking for excellent food with ambiance being a distant second. Cost can be from expensive to great value. All cuisines are fine with us. Downtown, hotel zone or nearby as we have a car. From taco restaurants to elegant seafood, steaks, mexican, etc....... we are open to all.
Los de Pescado. Fish tacos. Cheap and good. Location on Tulum Ave south of Xcaret and Novedades, north of Labna Ave. West side of Tulum on the frontage road. They are open for lunch only, close at 5 pm.
La Palapa Belga, great location just on the lagoon near Pok ta Pok, great fine European sophisticated cuisine. Not cheap though!
Restaurants We rely on several sources, including, Frommers guides, Fodors Guides, and The Mapchick's guide.....good luck, and good eating! :lol:
El Pescador's downtown has the best Lobster, in my book anyway, served with a killer garlic butter. One night we couldnt finish our Lobster and they put it in some foil and the next morning I heated it on our coffee maker, it was still great. Or Carrillo's downtown too. You can get a 2 for one Lobster dinner with the EP card. We have used that in the past and their Lobster is great too.
No thread about restaurants is complete without making sure that people know that food at Hooters in Cancun is just as bad as it is in the US. If I ever eat in another one, I deserve to be shot in the back of the head.
Vegas i have to totally agree with you. The Hot waitress's at Hooters don't even come close to making up for the terrible food. Even here at home the food is really bad. Ive been to the vegas restaurant and man i will never eat their again.
Nobody should ever even think about eating at Hooters in Vegas(or walking in it's disgusting casino/hotel). There are endless options here to eat damn good food out here. This town is going to make a fat pig out of me-it's almost inevitable. Yes-I'm developing a problem with good food-especially when it's everywhere. Food in Mexico is just like the lodging. Yeah, it may be 4 or 5 star, but it's Mexican 4 or 5 star. Deal with it-you're not in the US. Don't get me started on my over pampered American whiner