room numbers from 1101-1368 are by the quiet pool, we eventually moved from 2108 right behind Pady o's to 1218 overlooking the quiet pool, that was an excellent move
Our first room was directly behind pady o's, in other words we could open our door and order a drink without stepping outside of our room, really convenient but way to loud. The first night it rained so pady o's was pretty quiet so it wasn't bad, second night, the party was in full swing well past our bed time which was about 2 AM, so we could not sleep at all. We needed a little sleep so we could start again early in the morning. Some friends that we met down there was going to move to a room that they had requested so we asked the front desk if we could have their old one, no problem and no cost. We will be requesting a room overlooking the quiet pool next year weeks before we get there.
misbehaving... If you did book/pay for a jacuzzi room - those are located around the quiet pool area so you should be good regarding that party noise. UNLESS - or course someone climbs into your jacuzzi while you are sleeping and parties in it without you. Feb 20-27, 2010
When we go to Vegas, we usually get nice room upgrades when we give a nice tip at check-in, has anyone had any experience with this in Cancun?
Sounds like my first trip when it was BBG.. I could stumble to & from what was then Margaritas's (Now Paty-O) and if I passed out early, I had to hear Nice Shoes (Now Margarita's) go all night long.. The last 2 trips I was on the far side by the pier. The last time I overlooked the pier and it was AWESOME. I had a nice view (even though it was slightly obstructed by the Albatross offices) and plan to ask to be over there on my next trip.
Never been so I apologize for the basic questions. I think I can tell the sexy pool is on the pictures left. The quiet pool is on the right. I hear the quieter rooms are naturally near the quiet pool, makes sense. Where are the noisy rooms in this picture? The building in the center or the left? Thanks.
Nope. Sexy pool on far right. Sports pool in middle. Quiet pool on the left. See the pentagon shaped building with the open center towards the top right? Right above the flat white building? The open spot is Paty-O's. That's the loud spot at night. So the loud rooms would be in the pentagon shaped building.