I think that's called Temptation....someone ordered it for me but its red, white (orange), blue. I think.....sorry WAY too many drinks to remember LOL Nikki
Miami Vice, Mudslides, Banana daiquiris, margaritas, Icebergs....... Just have one of everything until you find what you like.
I think it's a Bob Marley or a Jamaican muthafucker. Something to that effect. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
I think the yellow is orange juice that mixes with a blue curacao so that makes it look green. I think the red is just a strawberry daiquiri mix.
It's 3 shots drank one after the other: 3 shots of vodka Dash of cranberry juice Dash of orange juice Dash of melon liqueur Hence the stop light look!!
Just got back on Friday and I couldn't tell you what the hell I was drinking. Choice is Jim beam. But in the pool or on the beach anything with alcohol worked just fine. The "wet pussy" shots did vary from bar to bar. But who cares. It's a drink and distributing shots to random people is always a great way to meet them. If on the beach just tell Saby what color drink you want and she'll hook you up. I do recommend taking your own bubba mug or something to the likes. The resort glasses don't keep anything cold for longer than 3 minutes. But I guess you really shouldn't have a drink that long anyways.