Hahahahaha! Some new members that just join aren't going to know how much a topic is talked to death. I just have a bit of sympathy when it comes to the same questions again and again. Not everyone has the free time, or sometimes the smarts, to know to read back a page or two and see if a question has already been answered in another thread. I just try to add a funny joke in here or there, so at least there is something entertaining for the regulars to read if they don't want to participate in the reoccurring debates.
And I appreciate it....these threads are kinda like a car accident. I should look away but I need to see, I need to click and open it....every single time.. Nikki
thank you for the sympathy... as a new person who has never gone to TTR it is a bit overwhelming at times and then you find a forum such as this and you think YAY I can ask all my questions and you just go for it without looking back at the YEARS and YEARS of possible threads and links to find if this question has been asked before. and I would imagine that right now the Original poster feels a bit picked on or torn apart for asking what they thought was a simple question.... and before you get mad at me just think back to when you were new and I know for some of you that may be EONS ago but think back to the questions you may have had and reach and I know it may be DEEP inside for that sympathy and just answer the question the best you can and if you don't want to read the thread AGAIN then don't but you never know who that person that is asking the question is... they may be the coolest people ever and they will remember you! LOL....... just my 2 cents take it for whatever its worth sally
I have absolutely no problem with seeing the same questions asked by newbies, we were all there once. I get annoyed at the whole hijacking of a topic by people wanting to voice their personal agendas again. Every question about chairs spawns rants, as does supper dress, cameras etc.
Thanks for your comment, IMHO it needed to be said. I am certainly not a CCC veteran, and yet I have seen this question before, and will probably see it again. If I wish to respond I will, if I don't I won't. But if I do respond it is as much about making someone new feel welcome, as it is about the answer itself. Enough said, but as far as bacon, cameras and dinner dresses go. I am pretty sure you can get bacon even if you don't reserve a pool chair. Camera's are a no no, but if they were allowed, pictures of people in the pool would be a lot more exciting than pictures of those sitting around it. Finally, I don't understand why anyone would wear a dinner dress to lay in the sun!