4th time for us in April/May. We're novices compared to many of you (but we still know how to party!!)
This will be our 4th on Feb 10, 3 in the last year --that may mean I have a problem... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
9th time (TTR/BBG) coming up in March plus one each Desire RM & Pearl! TTR March 6 - 17, 2015 for the 9th Time! artyhorn:
#14 I think for Us. Lost count really. Should be close to 20 by now but economy did a number on us back on 2008.
Hey!!! nobody told me there was going to be a test.... I think our answer is 14 but I could be wrong..
Still rookies here compaired to most of you, just back from our second trip 2 weeks ago and mrs is planning the trip for next jan, already,, (.Y.) TandD