Some are hot ,some are cold, some can tickle , and some can arouse, some are tight ,some are roomy, some may even taste like your favorite fruit , and you never know when the next Water balloon/condom fight will erropt , so cum prepared for you never what you might cum into .
Well that probably explains how we got our Jacuzzi room so cheap. We are hardly ever in the room anyway. A little construction noise during the day won't bother us. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
Apparently they are building 3 showrooms for the owners to see and then they will be torn down. It started when we were there at the beginning of October.
I sure do hope someone from management have read all these "requests" for upgraded rooms and services. Wait....let me guess...."they'll make a note of it." Oh and I'd like to add a push button that allows a fleshy but firm objet to protrude through the mattress..well just in case you wear the real one out. I'm sure there will a guys version of a "trap door"!
I don't think they'd got through all the expense of putting something up just to tear it down again...they'll use it for what it's intended for then they'll rent them out
Anyone there now that can give us a pic of how the rooms are coming along? I'm sure/I would think they would at least leave the three rooms up. No reason not to.