Renew your Vows on the Beaches of Cancun

Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by RenewYourVows, Apr 13, 2007.

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  1. gabesz

    gabesz Addict Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2006
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    Forgive me but this sure looks like unpaid advertising to me. Sorry but that is my honest opinion.
  2. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    Joining this board with a screen name that advertises a service seems a little bit, or a lot, like you are pushing an agenda.

    And then the very first post you ever made here was about your service, there was no introduction, there was just your service being pushed.

    Many people here have businesses and services that they offer, including me. But we are active contributing members of the community first, and if we happen to get a client or two because people get to know us here, then better. But my opinion is that the community has to come first, leave your agenda at the door.
  3. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Being rude to regular posters who have been here years and who make this an online community, and not just a billboard, will not exactly do you any favours. Especially when your post doesn't appear to be 100% truthful.

    You only joined 2 days ago and this thread was your first post.
    How could your client have contacted you when you weren't even registered here at the time? And the other "very satisfied people" who you have already helped - how could they have got your contact details too? All that live in Cancun and who frequent this board know how Cancun generally works - which is that services referred pay commissions to the referrer. You really shouldnt be surprised if people are sceptical of your motives.

    Going back to my first post re enquiring about advertising rates I should add that I only enter into advertising partnerships with companies (or "free services") that:
    a) I am familiar with and know their prices and services
    b) if they have an online presence their reputation is good.
    c) are honest in both their business practices and with people they interact with during course of said business.

    So far, you aint doing too good.
  4. RenewYourVows

    RenewYourVows Newbie Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2007
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    First let me start with, if you are very unhappy with my posts, pull them. This will be my last post. As I said, I do this because I like to do it...don't need the money, I have enough things going on in my life, and thought it would be a good thing for people that wanted to do this and could budget the event around their pocketbook...not around a wedding planners need for money.
    Secondly, I was not rude. I was attacked first and then became defensive! I was not pushing any agenda. I know how Cancun works, I live here. But it's known to be...No good deed goes unpunished. That's okay. I thought it would be a nice thing to do, with or without it, it won't make or break my life...sobeit.
    I saw a post and answered it letting the person know I could do this set-up for them as I have done many times before. After doing that was when I decided to put up the RenewYour Vows post. The young lady that had her vows done was very happy (also not a set-up PM her if you want)...I am in touch with another young lady now but it's really not very important. (I said there were 2 people). Done and finished!
    I wasn't aware that this was going to create the chaos that it has. I thought this was a friendly Board...I have posted several things and it had always appeared to be so. I'll just go on my merry way and not bother any of you people again. I will go back to using my old name, where I wasn't insulted and ripped apart for trying to do a nice thing. Sorry for the intrusion, CancunCare!
  5. Waste

    Waste Moderator Registered Member

    Apr 29, 2003
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    Georgetown, Ontario
    +0 / 0
    and on that note, no reason to keep bumping this thread... locked.
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