I am right there with you Roxie, either I took too many nerve agent pills in the war or I have CRS (Can't remember Sh*t) because I never remember names either. Lucky for us Anja is bringing a kit of letter beads so we can make name necklaces for everyone! Come find us on the 17th and we will make one for you..... Uhhh what was your name again?
My orange bracelet says ROXIE artyhorn: I am on this shit. Unfortunately (or fortunately) - I have 20 of them and have been known to tag people as "my bitches." So - if someone has a Roxie bracelet on - they either are me, or can point me out. But, I think the flame tattoos up my back are pretty obvious.
great idea..its impossible to remember everyone from here if haven't met in previous years! We're definitely taking the list with us!