We'll be easy to pick out...I'll be in a t-shirt that says "I like boobs...a lot." and Kati will be the one rolling her eyes at me. If I happen to have my shirt off, I'm the one with a tramp stamp of a topless mermaid riding a flying unicorn that is farting rainbows over a pot of gold.
I haven't done this but seen and heard of others doing it, they print off the roll call and bring it with them. Then they check off the people they've met. I'm thinking of doing it this year.
I am there feb. 19-26. I will be the one wearing a pittsburgh penguin hat all the time and asking a million questions since it's my first time. Don't worry roxie, i like the bruins too.
I'll be the one with an Oilers shirt asking the Flyers, Penguins, and Blackhawks fans: "Uhh.. how many Cups?"