Steve not sure if you'll catch this post and apologies in advance for having to put you on the spot...noticed in the CP that there is an Edit Ignore List feature. By adding in a particular contact name, does that mean that their posts will not be viewable when you login...just asking...cause there might soon be a day on the forum that most of us find someone who just doesn't get along well with others...and whose ridiculous juvenile posts are nothing less than poorly thought out, tedious, and generally unwelcome in this otherwise amazing online community you have created. I'm all for free speech but man...some people need to get a life and quit being in denial. It might be time to vote someone off the island. Just sayin... (Man I tried to stay outta this one but just had enough):icon_rolleyes:
Hey...what do you know...I tried it and it worked...what an excellent feature! Back to enjoying the forums again!
Craig, It works...I'm sooooo excited, voted off my island. Safe travels and we'll see you on the 29th!
You bet! You guys have a safe trip and really looking forward to sharing a margarita or 2! We have such a fun group this year - it will go by so fast for all of us.
We have found that most of the people from this forum are real people. We have also found most people we meet at TTR to be real people. We have made some great friends that we met on this forum before meeting face to face at TTR. I can only remember two incidents at TTR that we met someone that we didn't care for. One was a very obnoxious single guy who was on vacation by himself (wonder why). The other was a couple who complained about something at TTR every time we saw them. They were the type that live in a world full of misery. Back the the real people. Awesome friendships from here and TTR. Most are as they represent themselves. I hope we appear as we represent ourselves (with the exception of Cherri. Tequila makes her clothes and any ounce of dignity she has left fall off.) :wink3: We are looking forward to seeing a lot of these Real People in a couple more weeks.
Craig you are the man, this is an excellent find. Just did ours and it's great to see it works, will never know what some have to say again......YIPPY
I guess its your agenda to give people shit, u keep trying to start conflicts on every thread. You just ask steve to lock a thread because U were doing the same thing U R doing here, whats with u .Thank god , U R an Exception ,when it comes to all the nice people on this board, give it a rest.
very well said terry its so"?over the top" that there is obviously something going on - perhaps some kids on their parents computer or something? there is no way that a normal adult on this awesome forum would act this way craig/ginny thanks for letting me know about the delete function i will using immediately so that t and i can get back to enjoying all the truly unique and wonderful people on this forum - without having to deal on a daily basis with people out on agendas to personally be mean spirited and underhanded - for no reason!!! its one thing to have differing opinions and comments - and another thing all together to want to be confrontive and disruptive every single day of the week thanks rob
I agree, probably people with nothing better to do. So like I said let's get this party started, see YOU ALL next week yipee xo